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What's really preventing you from taking your life to the next level?




A 5 week group coaching programme for highly ambitious women, designed to help you master your mind so that you can achieve the results you desire with ease, confidence and joy, without stress and overwhelm.

Experience 10x more success, 10x easier than you've ever had to work for it.

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Hey there, winner!

Does this sound familiar?


  • ​​You are a high achiever

  • You are self-led

  • You know what you need to do in order to reach your next level of success

  • You're motivated and have a track record of achievements

But somehow, you find yourself struggling with:

  • Keeping good habits when the pressure is on

  • Maintaining the discipline required to achieve your goals

  • Lack of energy

  • Staying motivated to keep going after a tough quarter at work

  • Managing your time properly between your job and personal life

  • Balancing the highs and lows of motivation

I totally get it, I used to be just like you.


That's until I realised that HOW you do things is just as important

as WHAT you do.


Gone are the days where grinding non-stop was the only way to achieve success.


There is a better way and you’re here because you know this is possible.

Introducing: WATCH HER WIN

A 5 week group coaching programme designed to help high achieving women with ambitious goals, understand and regulate their subconscious mind and build their own version of success in their own unique, aligned and peaceful way that is fulfilling, rewarding and joy filled.

Plus, potentially the best part of the programme:

Get inspired and motivated by like-minded, driven and ambitious women.

Propel each other forward, create opportunities for collaboration and friendship, build and tap into the vast pool of resources and expertise of each participant. Celebrate your wins with people who are rooting for you every step of the way.



Befriending your mind

Make your brain your ally. How you control your own emotions, reactions and responses to circumstances is what you must master first. You are the only one who has control over your mind.

Managing your energy 

In a world where we are always "on", learning how to work with your natural energy resources to recognise your most energised state - when to push and when to recuperate - is the key to achieving your biggest goals.

Improving your mental fitness

Have you perform at your best when stakes are high. Learn how to reframe emotions such as anxiety, stress, overwhelm and nerves to serve, rather than inhibit, your wellbeing and performance.

Creating habits for success

Understand the value of making small improvements on a daily basis. Develop long lasting high-performance habits that set you up for success.

Regaining drive and joy for life

Break away from "I’ll be happy when…".

Learn to enjoy the process just as much as the results and leverage joy and celebration to build long term success.

Do you ever wonder how some people consistently achieve remarkable success while others struggle to make progress?

The answer is...

...those people understand that their mind is their #1 asset to get them the results they want and they build a daily practice around mastering their mind. 

Think about it!


Your mind can either be:

...the thing that will assist you to get where you want


...the thing that will cause the most resistance and stress and chaos and fear.

When you have your mind as your friend and you start working with it, it will start creating the results you tell it to do, rather than working against you. 

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What if I told you that you can achieve the same amount of success by swapping:

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Worry

  • Overwhelm

  • Self doubt

  • Stress

  • Non-stop hustle

  • Excruciating self-pressure

  • Negative talk

  • Ease

  • Joy

  • Friction free

  • Alignment

  • Flow

  • Play

  • Confidence

  • Energy

Wouldn’t that be an easier way to live? To thrive? To build a life you desire?

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When pursuing extraordinary goals, everyone has limits but more often than not, those limits are not technical, tactical or physical.

They’re mental limits.

Why is this important?


Because even for the most ambitious, driven, successful individuals in the world, when doubt creeps in, it affects the way they think.

That's WHY it is so important that the mind works in the right way.

If you keep hearing yourself say "I know what I need to do but its not working." then it's time to admit that your limits are a technique issue, not an effort issue.

I know you're working harder than anyone else so it's time to change HOW you're working. 

Let's prioritise ease and flow over stress and overwhelm.


You’re relying on hard work to pay off without working on the most important element to your success: your mind.


I'm sorry to say it but you have no chance. 

Because while you’re grinding non stop, others are sharpening their mind and building it stronger and stronger each day. 

This is my winning disclaimer - the joy is truly found in the journey.


It's in the changes you make internally and feeling your confidence, self-belief and progress surge as a result. 

Break away from "I'll be happy when...".


How you do joy now along the way is how you're going to do joy when you're successful.



Why you can no longer afford to take your relationship with your mind for granted


No amount of hard work overrides this

There are moments when you can't work any harder! You should not sacrifice your relationship with your friends, family, time spent on your hobbies or enjoying life. It's finally time to realise that hustling isn't always the path to success.


The key to exponential career progression 

Understanding and managing one's emotions is responsible for up to 58% of success in various job roles (Stanford University). Having the ability to recognise, understand and regulate your own emotions, as well as empathise with and navigate the emotions of others makes you the next generation of leaders. 


Your thoughts will keep you stuck until you learn to deal with them

Most of you know your self-sabotage patterns and thought loops and you still can't stop them. No amount of will power, journaling, meditation, self-help books will ever fix it. You have to understand the unresolved thoughts your mind keeps serving you and treat them at the root. ​


Your mind sees your goals and desires as a threat 

Big goals, ambitious desires represent change which makes your brain go into fight or flight to deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability of it all. That then brings a whole suite of anxiety, stress, fear, worry, leaving you with little to no resources to "fight" the threat, even when that might just be the thing that you desire the most in life. 

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What's included with WATCH HER WIN

 📚 5 content topics 

Week 1

Mental diet

Discover how to fuel your mind better

Week 2

Mental rest

Learn how to recharge and renew your energy 

Week 3

Mental strength

Build mental resilience and discipline

Week 4

Mental grace

Cultivate a kinder mind and nurture the critical inner voice

Week 5

Mental joy

Leverage the power of play, joy and celebration

☎️ 5 group coaching calls  

💬 Private Whatsapp Group to connect with the
other participants in the group

💻 Lifetime access to replays


Expect the following results


But Irina, what if I don't think I'm a winner?

First of all, a Winning Mindset represents the will to succeed.

The will to want something, that yearning for something greater, that unknown of how great you can be, or how good you can be at something.

If you've gone so far down this page, you are definitely hungry to succeed. BUT! You want to do it your way.

Second of all, Winning looks different for everyone. 
For some, it's the first championship

..the first million

...the new business

...the new house. 

For others, it's finishing a workout or finishing a new course

...finishing a month of daily meditation

...going a whole day without smoking

...ending a bad relationship

...asking for a promotion

...getting up every day and putting your two feet on the floor.

Winning is everywhere.
The ability to win is in all of us. 


For me, Winning is every day I decide to show up and deliver on my promises

...the cold, dark mornings when I do complete my workout

...the days full of self-doubt when I do reach out to 3 new customers

...the moments when my heartbeat is through the roof and I do put my hand up and voice my opinion. 
Sticking to my promises, even when it’s hard, that’s my Winning.
Ask yourself:

What does Winning look like for me this year?
Are my daily actions aligned for Winning?

Are my thoughts getting me closer or further from Winning?

Winning is the difference between dreaming about what could be

and actually living it.



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Hi, I'm Irina

High Performance coach

(or Joy Queen, as my clients call me)

With a sports background and 12 years of experience in corporate leadership, being competitive and consistently delivering peak performance became second nature to me.

My value and worth were attached to my quarterly results and there was no one who could convince me that there’s anything better in the world than winning!


That’s until I (as expected), burned myself into the ground in the pursuit for more results, higher performance, quicker wins. I still remember the non-stop chatter in my head telling me I need to do more, work harder, execute better. The loudness and meanness of that voice became too much to manage and that’s when I realised something’s got to change.

That's when I remembered my years of playing professional basketball and how it taught me everything I know about the importance of discipline and the power of having goals and consistently working on them. But I also remembered that I never enjoyed basketball until I discovered streetball - it’s only when I added joy, pleasure, playfulness in it that I played the best basketball in my life.

That’s my first memory of realising that unless I add joy to it, I will never get to the highest level of my success.

That is the moment when I started doing Winning differently. 

Gone are the days with non-stop hustle, working freaking hard, go go go mentality, adding tons of pressure on myself, stress, anxiety, overwhelm. NO MORE! I’m done working against my mind. That’s no longer aligned to where I'm going. 

Where I’m going is in a place with more ease, flow, intuition, creativity, seeing possibility, joy, confidence, expansiveness. I’m finally working together with my mind to build the life that I desire. 

I am most likely the most joyful successful person you’ll ever meet and I now KNOW this is my superpower. 

That's WHY I created WATCH HER WIN

Human beings are the only creatures who have been given the ability to decide “I am not going to be the same today as yesterday”. No other creature can do that.

You have the ability to decide: I’m not going to be at the mercy of my thoughts anymore, a slave to my own fears, anxiety and self doubt. 

The moment I started coaching clients on mastering their mind and focusing on the journey as much as the end goal, the results were nothing short of extraordinary. 


Whether they were working towards winning in their career, business, relationships, family or health, they were nailing every single goal while being their healthiest, most vibrant and fun version of themselves. 


That’s why I’m extremely passionate to help you do the same.

This programme’s commitment is that you walk away being the world’s greatest expert in one subject: YOURSELF.

The best friend you should have in life should be in the mirror. But befriending your mind is a muscle and an art form that you have to practice so you can get good at it. 

Let me be your coach. The best athletes in the world have coaches and mental trainers and they are at the top of their game. So why wouldn’t you invest in this?


This is for you if you think...

"It's time to choose ME."

"I want to  make 2024 the most successful year yet."

"I'm ready to see what I'm truly capable off."

"I'm done holding myself back."

"I want to live up to my true potential."

"I'm done working non-stop. I want my dream life AND I want to have fun."

"I'm tired of playing small."


Get excited when you wake up in the morning.
Feel fulfilment  in all areas of your life with no trace of shame or guilt around it.
Experience harmony and balance in your life.
Feel healthy and prioritise your health.
Have your soul completely fulfilled.
Support your mental health.
Build a career with work that lights you up and gets you excited. 

That's what WINNNING AS A WOMAN feels like!


One time investment of £497
Only 6 spaces left

  • 5 content topics

  • 5 x 90 min group coaching calls (Saturdays at 10am BST, starting on 11th May)

  • Private Whatsapp Group 

  • Lifetime access to replays

  • BONUS - this is the first year of recording this, so you’ll get to be a Founding Member and get access to this creation in real time as we create it for half the investment at just £497 

As one of the Founding Members, we'll work closely together for the next 5 weeks to give you everything you need to build your next level of success.

We know that having more success stories, case studies and results from our Founding Members will help us get this programme into the hands of more people and that's why we're limiting the number of spaces available.


Spending more time and support with you isn't just a win for us, it's a win for you!

  • Will this programme be available again?
    You bet! But this is the only time you can get it at half it's normal price, for a one time investment of £497.
  • Help, my question is not here.
    I'd love to answer all your burning questions. Email me at and I'll set up a call promptly.
  • When do applications close?
    11:59pm, 28th April. Programme starts on 1st May at 7pm.
  • I don't know if group coaching is for me, how do I make sure I get enough coaching time?
    While group coaching does offer a shared experience, it also provides immense value through the power of like-minded individuals and their stories. When you participate in a group coaching setting, you have the opportunity to connect with a diverse range of individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. This collective synergy fosters a supportive and motivating environment where you can learn from others' experiences, gain insights, and find inspiration. There's tremendous value in hearing the stories and journeys of fellow group members, you can absorb valuable lessons, perspectives, and strategies that may resonate with your own situation. The shared wisdom and diverse perspectives within the group can open your mind to new possibilities and approaches that you may not have considered on your own. You'll have ample opportunities to share your own insights and receive guidance from both the coach and your fellow participants. Together, we will create a dynamic and enriching experience that combines individual attention and the power of a like-minded community. So, if you're unsure about group coaching, remember that by joining, you're not only gaining access to my guidance but also tapping into the collective knowledge and inspiration of a supportive group. It's a unique chance to learn from others, forge meaningful connections, and accelerate your personal growth journey.
  • How long is the group for? What's the schedule?
    The programme runs for 5 weeks from 11th May to 8th June 2024. All sessions take place weekly online, Saturdays at 10am UK time.
  • What if I don’t have time for this programme, I have too much on my plate already?
    If you’re someone who's constantly feeling like there's not enough time in the day to do what matters the most, this is the perfect programme for you. This programme is designed to help create momentum for you to start prioritising the right things and start removing the noise and tasks that are not getting you closer to the life you want.


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